How My Kids Have Grown!
Just check how two of my pups have a go at the wheel...together!
8/20/2008 09:33:00 PM | Labels: adventures | 1 Comments
Can Someone Please Tell Me What Qingzi is Doing?
8/11/2008 11:24:00 PM | Labels: adventures, funny videos | 0 Comments
Hampups Update: Seven Dwarves and a Developmental Milestone
Good news! It seems that I'm actually a father to 7 hampups, and not only to 5, as previously reported. Human just recently discovered the 2 hampups hiding underneath the nest when she, for the first time, cleaned Qingzi's home, which has started to become a bit, let's just say, odoriferous.
Looking at them through the glass window of their home, it's apparent that they're becoming more independent, as days pass. And at the picture above, hampups have started learning how to use the water bottle. It'll be soon enough that they'll be feeding and drinking on their own, and less dependent on Qingzi's milk.
Can't wait to be able to meet my youngsters!
8/04/2008 09:48:00 PM | Labels: adventures | 3 Comments