Hampups Update: We're A Colorful Bunch!

I dunno if the photo taken by Human is clear enough (she's such a camera noob, I apologize). But if you can see, there are 5 hampups remaining (who'll hopefully grow into beautiful hammies) and they've started growing their fur! Two of them looks like they're going to be as white as Qingzi, one who looks beautifully tawny like me (the one in the center), and two darker colored hampups.

I dunno where they got those dark pigments from. But human kept teasing me that maybe the ugly neighborhood mousy got a moment or two in with Qingzi (if you know what I mean).

Hah! Bad Human!

Maybe the two just got my grandpup's genes, who's darker in color.


1 squeaks:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see their fuzz. Too cute!