I Made The News Today!
Oh yeah, that sucks.
Just when I thought that the whole popped-the-porthole-and-escaped thing is just darn too easy, I got hindered by a huge, huge, huge door!
And so, even the place beyond the cage is also sealed. :-(
But that didn't stop me, actually. I figured after sitting on my hunches for hours that this door opens and closes, just like the door in my cage whenever Human appears near it. So, I decided to wait for Human to get near it again and run for freedom as it opens. Oh yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
After long hours of waiting, I've seen an opening. Yey! I ran as fast as I could. I almost got out but the door closed again! Why so? It's been only open for a nanosecond!
Well, when I looked up, I found out. I was being scooped up. Okay, no more hide and seek game anymore. Human found me. :-(
And the worst thing of all?
There goes freedom out of the window. Sigh.
4/17/2008 08:03:00 AM | Labels: adventures | 0 Comments
Save! Save! Save!
I've heard from Human's discussions with the Booming Human that there's been increasing food prices in many places and that there are many who couldn't afford their food anymore, like in a far, far, far away place called Haiti that there are even sporadic wars fought just because people can't eat anymore.
If people ran out of food, then hamsters can do too! Though, I can't imagine any hamster not being able to have their bowl of carrots and lettuce in a day. That is so sad.
So, being a hamster with a social conscience, I, too, will do my share in this kind of situation:
Good thing Human gave us a burrow. I now store our excess food there. If I don't and leave it scattered in our beddings, it will get thrown away during the next cage cleaning. Hah, and Human thought that we're thinking there's an upcoming winter season, thus, the constant storage of food.
Now just look at that! That's what you call hard work!
Also, I'm glad that Qingzi's doing her fair share of the work, too.
But, it's really quite tiring, I must say. I go to sleep now.
4/14/2008 12:22:00 PM | Labels: funny photos, news and society | 0 Comments
So, Human thought Qingzi's so cute, prim, and proper? I say hell noes!
She ain't that poised all the time. Hehe.
4/11/2008 04:50:00 PM | Labels: funny photos | 0 Comments
Evil Lurking
Hah! And I thought the recent (or the not so recent) invasion of Qingzi in my once solo abode was the lowest time of my life. But no! I find it an abomination that something like this should exist:
That is a monstrosity called Baba. If those two eyes were black holes, it could have sucked me in. I shiver at the thought that its wet whiskers even touched the grills of my lovely cage (this is where Qingzi chimes in, "hey, it's my cage too!" Fine, whatever). And worse, there's someone like Human (only bigger and with a booming voice) who put that abomination there.
Nope, I will not succumb. I will hold my fort. This is my kingdom...OH FCK! I GIVE UP! WHERE'S MY HUUUUUMMMMMAAAAAAANNNNNN! I'M SCARED!
4/11/2008 04:32:00 PM | Labels: adventures | 0 Comments
When New Roomie Came
For a time, because Pao Chi left and went to Hammieven, I've been Human's only hammie. It could get lonely at times, with only the cage bars and the exercise wheel to amuse me.
And yes, of course, the Nescafe box became my companion.
No, I'm not endorsing the product. Geez, I don't even drink coffee. Caffeine is very bad for hammie health, but it seems the Human is fond of drinking such that I'm surprised she hasn't turned coffee-colored yet.
I've gotten used to being on my own that I was surprised when, one night, Human came home with this:

"I brought you a friend," Human told me happily.
"What's that? Saw dust?" I looked up to her and she only seemed to smile from ear to ear. Maybe she thought I was happy that she brought me saw dust. I'm content with my fine pine beddings, thank you. Me needs no rough saw dust. Eeeewww.
I looked closely. Oh, it's not just saw dust. She's also brought home a cotton ball. Is that for nesting? I searched her face for answers.
Human picked up the clear tub containing the saw dust and put it near my cage. Something's moving in it. I stood up in alarm.
"Look, Coco," Human said. "Meet Qingzi!"
Oh, so she's got me a "friend". Great. What is she doing anyway, with her face pressed on the clear plastic wall?
"Qingzi's a boy hamster, too, like you."
I jumped up and down, shouting at her: she's not a boy! She's a girl!
Awww, but it seems Human is convinced she brought home a male buddy for me when I can smell her all the way from my cage.
But what could I do? I got a new roommie.
But I wish Human would get us a bigger home. This Qingzi took my box!
4/07/2008 01:01:00 PM | Labels: qingzi | 2 Comments
Remembering Pao Chi
Of my childhood, I do not remember much except that, before my human got me to where I am, I used to live in a place that is so crowded I sleep with other hamsters' feet on my face. Also, imagine some 20 or more hamsters converging on a little food bowl during dinner time. I was lucky that even with those living conditions, I developed a healthy, robust body. I can stand several hamsters on their head (or their backs) to get my food.
I would like to think that is the reason why my human chose me to take home. After all, I'm a real charmer, with my black button-like eyes and soft tawny fur. Or perhaps, I was the only one who showed that I'm eager to get out of that hole.
But I wasn't the only one who seemed to be getting out at that time. In a while I found myself sharing a new, clean niche with another hamster whose fur seemed to change color, depending on how and where you look at it. Sometimes he look chocolatey (uh oh, the forbidden food!) with creamy patches. Other times he looked plain grey with off white hair that seemed to be always unkempt.

After a while of living in our new, strange but clean quarters, with fresh food and water daily (unlike where I came from in which the food bowl also has the poops of 20 something hamsters. Ewww), I find the companionship of Pao Chi comforting.

And so it was just me, myself, and I for the past few weeks in that very orangey hole. Human seemed sad, though. But she still scooped me up every now and then, perhaps checking if I, too, had the Wet Tail.
For my part, I was just glad that she didn't forget to fill the food bowl everyday. Haha.
4/05/2008 11:43:00 AM | Labels: ruminations | 2 Comments
First Sniff
While on a pile of pine shavings or sweating it out on the exercise wheel , I always find myself in a state of quandary. Who am I? What am I doing in this place? Is this the entirety of the world? What purpose do I have? Whose hand it is that constantly encroaches in my space, either to scoop me up or to bring my provender?
Oh yes, I'm a ruminating animal.
I even ask, "how should I even introduce myself to those who want to know me?"
Am I simply a pet? A companion? A grain-chugging bedroom fixture?
Ah, the questions never run out.
I think for now it will be enough to answer one: who am I?
And so I say, "Hi, I'm Coco the hamster. Welcome to my blog."
4/05/2008 11:39:00 AM | Labels: ruminations | 0 Comments