Evil Lurking
Hah! And I thought the recent (or the not so recent) invasion of Qingzi in my once solo abode was the lowest time of my life. But no! I find it an abomination that something like this should exist:
That is a monstrosity called Baba. If those two eyes were black holes, it could have sucked me in. I shiver at the thought that its wet whiskers even touched the grills of my lovely cage (this is where Qingzi chimes in, "hey, it's my cage too!" Fine, whatever). And worse, there's someone like Human (only bigger and with a booming voice) who put that abomination there.
Nope, I will not succumb. I will hold my fort. This is my kingdom...OH FCK! I GIVE UP! WHERE'S MY HUUUUUMMMMMAAAAAAANNNNNN! I'M SCARED!
4/11/2008 04:32:00 PM
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